Hello, I hope you are well! In this post I intend to talk about a topic that not only involves the motivation of people within the company, but is also a subject in which knowledge is present in your personal life.
The theme of this post will be directed to how we can identify, know and, mainly, understand the motivation of the individual and, when I mention individual, also think of you and not just of the people around you. Now, how can we identify what motivates the other and you?
Before answering the question above, I would like to talk a little about Management 3.0, just to conceptualize those who still don't know it. In my understanding, and here I already apologize for those who understand it as simplistic and I justify that I don't like to complicate things.
Well, getting back to the concept, it's a way of think on the individual and his interactions with others, taking into account the environment in which he is inserted, and here I remind you that you are also inserted in this scenario, and I complement my understanding by telling you that Management 3.0 also allows us to act on how we can understand what moves, motivates, feels and leverages people, and align all these meanings to achieve success together with more assertive planning.
Well, returning to the topic of the post, knowing what motivates each person is important for you to be successful, as a leader, aligning the organization's purpose with individual motivations. Personally, I use this practice to playfully identify the motivations and purposes of the people on the team and validate whether the goals are aligned with the organization's objective. But when and how to apply?
In my case, the application of practice goes after the results generated from individual conversations with colleagues. The need for the application depends on the scenario of each team, but I recommend that you who have a leadership role perform this practice at least once to identify the needs of the people you lead. And, from that point on, think about how to align such individual motivations and purposes with those of the company.
And when applying the moving motivator, I try to explain the purpose of each letter, according to the list below:
*The images were taken from the management site https://management30.com/practice/moving-motivators/#download) and to download it you need to have participated in the 3.0 workshop
1) Relatedness
The person has a good network of contacts both at work and outside of it
2) Curiosity
One has many things to think about and investigate.
3) Honor
The person is proud of how their personal values are reflected in their way of working
4) Acceptance
The person is accepted for what he does and for who he is by others.
5) Mastery
The person has their competence challenged in their work, even within their abilities.
6) Power
There is enough space for me to influence what happens around me.
7) Freedom
I see myself as independent from others with my work and responsibilities.
8) Order
The set of rules and policies is sufficient for a stable environment.
9) Goal
My purpose in life is reflected in my work.
10) Status
I have a good positioning, also recognized by the people who work with me.
Thus, by explaining how the practice and the cards work, we begin our dynamic where colleagues start choosing the most important cards from left to right, and then each one explains the reason for their preference to the whole group. The figure below shows a little of the realization of the moving motivator.
After the explanation of the colleagues' choices, it is possible to identify the individual purpose of the team and it is up to you to align these choices in some way with the alignments of the company. For example, when the Power and Status cards are the first ones selected, you will have a great opportunity to develop leadership skills in that person, which will have a good result, people who will help organize the team for better performance and will understand the importance of team to achieve alignment and fulfillment of the company's objectives.
And that is why the leader's role in reading the motivations of his team is so important, because according to John C. Maxwell (The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: A Proven Recipe for Developing the Leader in You), the leader's actions directly interfere with the organizational climate, that is, carrying out the moving motivator allows identifying the purpose of people and shows how much their attitude as a leader demonstrates their interest in serving, and here serving involves the ability to listen, which contributes a lot to the recognition on the part of the organization. team in your leadership.
Before concluding this post, I suggest reading any work by John C. Maxwell, an author who demonstrates a cool vision of how to be a leader and how to develop our leadership skills.
My conclusion from the moving motivator is how much we have progressed in visualizing people's individual purposes and motivations and how we can align these desires with the organization's goals. And the result of this alignment is incredible results from the team, with a better climate in the environment, increased productivity and, above all, recognition of the value added by people when fulfilling each objective.
So, I end this post with the question in the image below: